AB Micro 1200


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Since the SCP function in the Micro 1200 does not accept Floating point value destination, what is the best way to read a 4-20 mA analog input signal in Floating point data?
Depending on the Engineering units and acuracy that you desire…

You could use an implied decimal or two; if you need 0-50.0 then use 0 – 500 in an integer file.

You could then divide this by 10 into a Float if needed.

> Since the SCP function in the Micro 1200 does not accept Floating point value destination, what is the best way to read a 4-20 mA analog input signal in Floating point data?

Even no floating, if you are using 15 bits, 4-20mA proveides a resolution fair enough for any industrial application. [email protected]
If your engineering unit scale is 10-30, and you want to see tenths, make the units 100-300. Then, when you look at the decimal value of the integer, you know you need to insert a decimal after the first two numbers. For instance, if the integer value is 157, insert the decimal and it comes out to 15.7. If you need more decimal places, add more zeros to the engineering units. Just keep in mind that the units cannot go higher than 32767.