Eliwell Televis/Micronet protocol


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Straight to the point - does anyone have Eliwell Televis/Micronet protocol description? I'm building a SCADA system in our factory and want to integrate all RS485 network devices including old Eliwell EWPC 973/s and EWDR 973/s temperature controllers into our central PLC, which understands well ModBus or whatever protocol I can freely build into it, if I only knew what to ask and what to expect back. Other solution would be a Televis->ModBus protocol converter box, which I haven't found from internet searches. I have 30 such a controllers in RS485 network, so it's a lot of money and configuring to start to replace those with newer Modbus compatible temperature controllers. Eliwell names their protocol sometimes Televis, sometimes MicroNet. I'd prefer to connect Eliwell network directly to central PLC serial port, meaning to have only one I/O server to read all variables, but if there's existing Televis DDE or OPC I/O server, I'd be satisfied enough with this solution too. Any ideas are welcome!


Gamal El Ghazaly


I have the same problem. I have 36 Eliwell temperature controller IC902 and others, and I have to connect them to a single PC through the RS485 network. If you reach a solution of understanding the Televis protocol, please tell me.

gamal_elghazaly at yahoo. com
sorry guys but Telvis is lock protocol
although if you have IC902 that can connect to RS485 so you can use them in mBus

Eliwell provides a mean to interact with the controllers through the SoftGate dedicated COM component.
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