TDC 3000


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In our thermal power station, Honeywell make DCS TDC3000 is installed. I want to print a list of historised parameters in the History Module with Tag numbers and description of the parameters. Please help which commands should I use in the Documentation Tool.

Thank You
I don't know of any way to identify historized tag Ids short of looking at every page of the history groups. We keep them in a spreadsheet and update it with any changes...
I don't know about a way to use documentation tool to do that, but you can use the print entity command to create an exception build file with all the data you need. We use it from a debec file like this:

In the example, the HMGRP.XY file containes all HM-group entity names we have in our system. It contains lines like:
Where the 00 and 16 refer to units in our system and the indexes are the HM-group numbers.

Note: If you create or edit a history group, you can see the point name on top of the screen.

Having done this you can then import the data in Excel, Access or whatever. I've written a macro for that. The great thing is that you can also do this for operator groups etc.

If you install a tool like Doc4000 there will probably be scripts on your system that do that already. The data becomes then available in a database format in the office environment.

Keepwalking's Eng

If you can do a Search in the Documentation Tool, you should get a click in Documentation Tool in engineering menu. Then, the system give you a screen where there is a option called 'Query.' In this query you should get points by many ways. By Node(LCN NODE i.e. EPLCG, AMs, etc), By UCN (UCN NODE i.e. Controllers HPM, LM, etc.), By Unit (Control Units i.e. Unit 00 that represents the Electric Area of a Plant). It may much more but i guess that this options can help you. Remember that in this query, the system requests the tag's parameters, this parameters are for example NAME, ASSOCDSP, PVALGID, CTLALGID, etc. if you want more parameters you must read in the TDC3000 manuals specially in control algorithms book guides. You're Welcome.
Good starting point for documentation tool, but I don't think it allows you to query the history group configuration of the HM.
If you know how to build an EB (exceptional build) file, just try to build an eb file for one of the history group. hope you know how to use the syntax.

EB file will solve your purpose.

All the best.

Dear Sir,

The problem with EB is that it only gives tag name and other details but does not provide description against the tag no.

That's why I import both history group EB's and the point database EB's in Excel. There I combine tagname with ptdesc (or any other parameter) using the lookup functions.
To find out parameter names (specifically for UCN nodes/UCN node specific conf/tags built on NIM) there is a simple method.

Going through the entire TPS readme may be cumbersome.

Reconstitute that tag (call command builder and select reconstitute) and see for yourself which parameters you need to fetch in the documentation tool.

EB is the best method discussed, if u want to list out HM hist group parameters. In fact, I suggest that this must be done. Benefit is, in case of HM failure you will have a back up of all the points historised. Generally, we don't care taking EB backups, but it should be done.