upgrade our s7-simatic manager


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i would like to upgrade our s7 - manger to be able to open under windows vista/windows 7
notes :
i have s7-v45-sp4

bob peterson

I suspect that you can do so if you have paid your annual license fees. otherwise, you may be out of luck.


Wiwi Hartono

When upgrading the S7 Simatic Manager, there are few concerns.

One being that the hardware you are currently using might not be in the new version of S7 Simatic Manager within the hardware catalogue. So, when you open the current project in the new Simatic Manager, you would have problem.

To remedy this, you have to export from the current hardware catalogue and import to the new hardware catalogue before you open your project in the new Simatic Manager. However, you might have issue doing this.
I would suggest if everything works well for you now, you do not need to upgrade unless you are getting new hardware components which are not in the current catalogue.