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we have GE 9001e fuel gas turbine for generator drive controlled by Markv TMR. strange phenomenon occurred in successive 3 days. the unit is tripped but the unit still running normally.

this contact logic is one of input trip for L32DW1
R, S, T, AND C after trip in A7 state and no diagnostic alarm at trip trining.<pre>
l74x.alarm ------- QD1(DTBB)
l86cb1------------ QD2(DTBa)
l33tgl-------------- QD2(DTBB)
l32dw1.alm---------------- QD1(DTBa)
l86fs01x.alm--------------- QD2(DTBB)
l86vg01x.alm---------------- QD1(DTBB)
l49wc2.alm------------------- cd(DTBB)
l86hf.alm--------------------- QD2(DTBa)
ldt-GS01.ALM------------------ QD2(DTBB)
L86CBT.ALM---------------------- QD2(DTBB)
L45FTX2-ALM---------------------- QD1(DTBB)
LDTGS1.ALM------------------------ QD2(DTBA)
L52G.ALM------------------------------- QD1(DTBD)</pre>

Bob Johnston

"Is it tripped or is it not" that is the question?

I'm not to sure about what you mean by the unit is tripped and is still running?? The data you give is very confusing, is this some kind of alarm log? Without your software it is kind of difficult to guess but I can see a Bleed Valve trouble a Fire Alarm (or trip) and a breaker trip. We really need a lot more information, this may be a ground fault problem causing 125V disturbances on the <Q> core , do you have any ground faults. Can we get a proper Alarm List and a Trip History file (if it tripped)
To Those Interested... you really should read my 1999 paper, presented to "The Journal of the System Safety Society!"

One section entitled, "The Sacred Cows of Emergency Safety Shutdown" design, contains a discussion on "The Fallacy of TMR!"

Regards, Phil Corso (cepsicon[at]AOL[dot]com)

You can also get support for this issue through the GE Controls Connect portal. I have listed instructions for gaining access to this portal. If you cannot find the information in the knowledge library, there is also an option for email/phone support that feeds directly to GE experienced field engineers.

I am the Product Line Leader for Services at GE Measurement and Controls. As noted below, the Controls Connect portal has significant functionality at no cost.

CONTROLS CONNECT NOTE: If you have a GE SSO# and are a GE turbine operator, business associate or EPC firm, please send me an email with the subject "Controls Connect Access" and include your SSO#, Name and Company. Please note that we do not accept generic email addresses (e.g. @yahoo, @hotmail, @gmail, etc). Company based email addresses are required for security reasons. Your registration will take approximately 3 days. If you do not have a GE SSO# you can register at or just perform a Google search on "Controls Connect". Just click on the register button to start the process. Registration forms should require less than 5 minutes to complete. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected]

In Controls Connect you can search the knowledge database for similar issues, find manuals, TILS, white papers, etc or phone/email the technical support team directly. This is a FREE service. I hope it helps.