Atomizing Air Compressor Quill Shaft Drive


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We have a GE Frame 5 MS5001P Gas Turbine equipped with GE manufactured Accessory Gear Box.

Atomizing Air Compressor on this turbine is driven by Accessory Gear Box shaft through a quill shaft.

Drawing indicates this quill shaft has splines at one end which engage with atomizing air compressor coupling hub.
However no splines are shown at other end and from drawing I can't understand how quill shaft is driven by main accessory gear box shaft

Can any one tell how atomizing air compressor quill shaft is driven by main accessory gear shaft? Is it possible to remove this quill shaft without Accessory Gear Box Cover?

(Main lube oil pump is also driven by accessory gear box shaft through quill shaft which is splined at both ends indicating that this shaft is driven from main shaft through splines)