Running Serial Modbus and TCP Modbus on the same computer simultaneously


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Gents, can there be an issue with running Serial modbus and TCP modbus on the same computer at the same time if some of the addresses are the same?

Some of the gauges running serial Modbus have register addresses the same as the Multi phase meter running on TCP Modbus.

Urgent, A quick answer is appreciated.

Eamonn Wallace

> Gents, can there be an issue with running Serial modbus and TCP modbus on the same computer
> at the same time if some of the addresses are the same?

There's no obvious reason as I do it regularly


Curt Wuollet

They should be completely different stacks, but if you are accessing them from the same application one could overwrite the other. So, it depends on what you are doing with the data.


Bruce Durdle

As long as the receiving computer can distinguish between the target hardware items, the addresses are not the same. A serial modbus request will always be directed to a given slave which will identify that slave, and address 10004 in slave 2 is different from address 10004 in slave 3. Just like 10004 Maple Street is a different address from 10004 Oak Street.