Qualities of good control engineer


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I am pursuing masters degree in mechatronics i need to know what are the qualities should i develop in me to become good control engineer? which softwares need to be learned?

Bob Peterson

I have found the following qualities have helped me in my career.

Willingness to work however many hours it takes. But also understand that at some point one is not going to make actual progress if you are not sleeping enough.

Stubborn enough not to give up easily but flexible enough to realize that at some point I need to change the way I am approaching something that is not working.

A well rounded education - mostly basic stuff. High school physics and chemistry. Some trig, some algebra. Boolean arithmetic. Basic electronics. Mostly stuff you would learn in the first couple of years of a college BSEE degree. Actually figuring out how to apply them is something that takes time though.

Forget trying to learn to program in any specific language. Learn to think problems out logically. You can worry about the syntax of a specific language later. Pseudocode is good for teaching this and readily translates into any language. If you cannot write down on a piece of paper what you want done in detail, you cannot write the code to make it do it.

Specific programming language skills are very low in importance. My first programming language was Fortran. Never used it in real life but it taught me basic principles that apply across all languages I have used. And there are a bunch of them. Probably at least a dozen variants of BASIC, many versions of ladder logic, Forth, several C variants, several machine and assembly languages, Pascal, and who knows how many proprietary languages embedded in some controller somewhere.

Reading comprehension is critical. Most of the time the information one seeks is there in a manual but is missed. Reading speed is nice as well, but actually understanding what one is reading is more important. Learn to skim through large volumes first so you can come back later and look closer at the things that truly matter.

Be willing to take the time upfront to learn what you need to know before jumping into a problem that is dropped on your desk. I guarantee you that it will go a lot faster to learn up front than by learning by making a whole series of unnecessary mistakes while trying to get a project done.

Curt Wuollet

You should be familiar with Office so you can write a credible resume.
And a reasonable knowledge of the rest of Windows wouldn't hurt. A way beyond basic knowledge of electronics, physics, mechanics and common sense along with logic, number systems and how to survive on the road. You should excel at word problems and turning a vague description into hardware. Some material science is handy.

As far as what software you should learn, software is a fairly small part of the process and you should have the background to work with almost any software as it's highly unlikely that you won't work with many different types and qualities. A good control engineer would be good at any of the disciplines that apply to control and should be able to confidently run the process manually if possible.

That's a beginning, the most valuable part of your education will be gained by solving real world problems. I hope you do become a good one because most of the best won't be doing this in ten years. And they know things that you will never have the chance to know. If you write that resume well enough and get someone to hire you, then you can start your education.
