Gas Chromo readings


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Dear friends,

Please tell me what is retention time of gas chromo and its effect in chromotograph reading?

<b>Moderator's note:</b> I think "chromotograph" is actually "chromo to graph"
the flow volumes in a gc are rather small, so any excess volumes in tubing and valves can result in excessive long time delays, between acquisition of the sample and its analysis.

minimizing the delays involves detailed engineering design.
To the Moderator,
In regards to the statement:

"Moderator's note: I think "chromotograph" is actually "chromo to graph"

I believe that "chromotograph" is actually "chromatograph," an analysis method where the material is routed through a column (tube), which has a material in it which selectively delays the components through the column and each component are measured by various methods when they come out.

<b>Moderator says thanks for the clarification.</b>

In regards to retention time:

Retention time (tR) is the time it takes a solute to travel through the column. The retention time is assigned to the corresponding solute peak. The retention time is a measure of the amount of time a solute spends in a column. It is the sum of the time spent in the stationary phase and the mobile phase.



William (Bill) L. Mostia, Jr. PE
ISA Fellow, SIS-TECH Fellow,
FS Eng. (TUV Rheinland)
SIS-TECH Solutions, LP

Any information is provided on Caveat Emptor basis