Communication Issue Between CRMs_SVR and BOP Controller


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Hi every body,

9E Gaz turbine Power Plant.
Mark 6e Toolbox St/Cimplicity.
Controller MEZZANINE Card (CPCI).

First of all I'm sorry about the long details in bottom.

We have two DCS controllers (R & S) receiving data from three separated Mark 6e cabinets named: BOP, BOP1 & BOP2. Every cabinet has two N-TRON 517 FX switches (with optic fiber to transmit data to controllers).

The issue is that we see no DCS Controller data on Cimplicity (But we did from GT TMR Controllers data pages.

By accessing to the BOPs I/O Packs from CRM1_SVR or CRM2_SVR we observe that all Inputs data are OK (Pressures, Flows... data on I/O Live value columns for Analogue Inputs and True/False for discrete Inputs); But outputs are not OK (0 U for Analogue Outputs and False U for discrete Outputs).

Some Details:
--BOP: No diagnostic alarm is displayed on diagnostic columns for all packs.

--BOP1: An issue with PSCA Card (Modbus port #1 device/station #1 communication failure-bad data ---- Modbus port #1 device/station #1 communication failure -no response); but it's not the problem because we know that there is Siemens PLC problem-it doesn't transmit data to BOP1 cabinet.

--BOP2: Only an issue with JPDM/JPDE DC voltage gnd fdbk.

--All displayed diagnostics are in name of R only even if we get online with <S> or Designated Controller.

--CPCI Controllers:

-There abnormal (with orange color) status in Toolbox are:
IO Equality: Indeterminate for <S> and <R>.
Auto-Reconfiguration Equality: Not Equal for both
Controller Diagnostic: Yes for both
I/O Diagnostic: Yes for both

-For controller themselves (CPCI MEZZANINE CARD), the CPCIR is the DC and Diagnostic LEDs are active for both <R> & <S> and I think that all connections are OK (Data already received by Toolbox ST).

--Why we experiencing this problem?,
Because in BOP2 we had issue with 2 NTRON517FX and we lost its data from Cimplicity, we took one of them from BOP1 but it didn't work so we make a reset to controller (by pushing RST button, and also switching off power for both controllers).

Now, even if we replaced switches the problem is persistent.

Please we did our max of diagnostic but we didn't find the solution, so if someone has an idea about the problem do not hesitate.

Welcome to all your propositions/questions

Best Regards