Controller fault on Logix5571


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Hey guys.

New to the forums. We have just finished a conversion from PLC5 to ControlLogix (using a 5571 controller) and are using ControlNet to communicate to one of our PLC5 racks and RIO to communicate with a second PLC5 rack. Now, I am trying to deal with fault handling if we loose communication to either of our PLC5 racks. I want to shut down the program and set outputs to 0 until communication is reset.

Using a Controller Fault Handler, I can reset the fault, but it stays in run mode. I was thinking about putting the controller into Rem Program Mode if a fault occurs and that way, once we get communication fixed, we just have to switch key to Run position and back to Remote and it will stay in Remote Run mode. I know I can get status info from the GSV instruction, but can't seem to set status info with SSV. Can anyone help with the logic to force it into program mode? Will that turn off the outputs on the CN and RIO racks?

Thanks and sorry, I'm new to this stuff.