Can Beckhoff TwinCAT System Manager data be exported or read?


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Simon Hedges

I want to be able to transfer system configuration data from the TwinCAT Su=ystem Manager .tsm file to a drawing package (terminal type, channel names, connections, comments). I can't find a way of exporting all the relevant data in the .tsm file; there is an xml export facility but it seems to be terminal-by-terminal and doesn't, I believe, export all the information I want.

Has anybody got any ideas?
try selecting the fieldbus (Device) in the tree view on the left side of tsm. enable 'Show Sub Variables', 5th icon from the right on toolbar. you should see all slaves in network w/ subvars and links in lower right hand pane. right click in the lower right pane in a spot where it does not highlight an item and you should have the option to 'Export List'. the list is exported to a csv file.
A more modern and useful method is to use .xml (under Actions heading). TwinCAT System Manager is an .xml based system.

The .xml can be created and exported with TwinCAT System Manager. it can be manipulated off line and imported back into the System Manager.

Robert Trask, PE
San Diego, CA