Siemens WinCC and Mathcad Data Exchange


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Christian Pearson

Does anyone have any knowledge regarding dynamically exchanging data between WinCC and Mathcad.

I am currently transferring data between Mathcad and Excel and then to WinCC via the DDE connection. Problem is, to transfer data from Mathcad to Excel, the Excel file must be closed and for the WinCC DDE connection the Excel file must be open before runtine starts.

After going through many help files i found that data can be dynamically transferred from Mathcad to another application that supports OLE automation (such as WinCC 'OLE objects')via scriptable objects. I have no knowledge of script writing etc.. and would truely appreciate any help or tips how to do it.

Thanks in advance,
Christian Pearson.
Christian: What error do you get when writing to Excel from MathCAD, when Excel is open?

ArchestrA works, but costs a lot of money (basically a ripoff in my opinion) AND uses a lot of computer resources.

This sounds like a Wonderware salesman's solution.
There are quite a few ways to do this. You could use VBS or C scripts in WinCC. You might be able to use an OPC link between the two packages.

To get you started here is an example .VBS script that connects to a WinCC project and changes a tag. It shows one way to connect to WinCC from a remote application.

dim mcp
set mcp = CreateObject("WinCC-Runtime-Project")
mcp.SetValue "MyTag",200
set mcp = nothing

Hope it helps.