mark V HMI manual


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I would like to know where i can find a pdf copy of the mk v HMI manual. In Specific I need to know how to edit the text on the main display.

I have looked our entire plant over and can find nothing written for the HMI section.

Thanks for your help.
If you have a GE Mark V HMI running MSWindows & CIMPLICITY then you should have a copy of GEH-6421 somewhere on the hard drive of the HMI.

All you need to know next is that the the displays are made using a CIMPLICITY application called CIMEDIT and all the displays are files which end in .CIM.

So you find the folder with the .CIM files (usually CIMPROJ/SCREENS) using MSWindows Explorer and then right-click on a .CIM file and choose 'Edit' and CIMEDIT will open the selected file.

Just use the Help in CIMEDIT to learn how to do what you want to do.

Just make a back-up of the file you wish to edit FIRST!!!!

Lastly, there is an icon of an incandescent light bulb on the toolbar. When you have finished with the changes you want to make, just click on that icon and a window will open with the new edited display and you can see if your changes were "successful". If they were, just close the new window, save the chabges to the .CIM file/and exit CIMEDIT, stop and re-start CIMPLICITY, and that should be all that's required.

If you have an <I> running IDOS, then you need a copy of GEH-6195, the Mark V Application Manual.